Friday, November 16, 2007

Samuel's Birthday

Samuel Steven Peckham made his much anticipated debut Thursday, Nov. 15 at 5:25 p.m. in front of a small, but awe-struck audience. He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 21 inches with dazzling blue-gray eyes and a semi-full head of brown hair that made his Dad simultaneously proud and envious. His Mom was a rock star throughout and is resting (and celebrating) after a heroic performance.

There’s no telling what great adventures await Sam, although witnesses swear he struck a Heisman Trophy pose immediately after delivery. And a few short hours later on a trip around the hospital, it seemed obvious Sam could distinguish between a scalpel, surgical clamp and forceps. So who knows? For now, timely diaper changes seem to make him happy, which suits his proud new parents just fine.

Our very best to you and yours,

Katie, Steve and Sam

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Yeah!! So glad that he's here! Can't wait to hear all about the events of his birth day. Congratulations Mom and Dad on your beautiful son! Love, Heidi