Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sam Goes Five for Five

Sam is five months old – here’s a list of his five favorite things:

5. Playing in the exersaucer. The lights, bright colors and noises would give any grown up a splitting headache, but Sam can’t get enough of the thing.
4. Sucking on his toes. Sam is having a love affair with his feet. It makes the diaper changes a little challenging, but it’s super cute and we find ourselves watching him in awe.

3. Singing along to the “Wheels on the Bus.” If Sam ever gets a little cranky we simply break into song (and dance) and he immediately brightens up. He could also be a future Parrothead as he seems to have "fins up" down pat.
2. Seeing our faces when he wakes up. Seems a little vain, but it’s true and it’s awesome. His face lights up when he catches a glimpse of us leaning over the crib.

His number one favorite thing...Being wrapped in a warm towel after bath time. It makes him squeal with delight every time.

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