Friday, June 18, 2010

Elliott at Six Months

I just started a post about Elliott hitting seven months and realized that this has been sitting in my "drafts" for a few weeks. Oops! Shame on me because these pics are too cute to go unnoticed!


Elliott passed the six-month marker a week or two ago, and in honor of his half birthday we had a little photo shoot following bathtime. These pics are certainly a window into his personality -- to say he has a sunny disposition is an understatement! He's also a blondie through and through - from the hair that's finally starting to come in to his bright blue eyes and fair skin.

Elliott's been hitting his milestones right on time and as he becomes more sure of himself, he has started to explore Sam's toys. We're already hearing Sam say "no Elliott!" and it's a reminder to enjoy this stage when they can't really get into it. That said, big brother Sam has lots of hugs for Elliott or "baby" as he likes to call him.

It seems impossible that little Elliott has been in the world for six months -- it's so short and so long at the same time -- and I can't wait to see what's in store for him in the days and weeks ahead!

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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Wow what a beautiful picture of that sweet boy. He looks like he is snuggled in a blanket similar to the one you once toted around during your younger years. :)