Friday, August 6, 2010

Grandview 2010

We’ve just returned from a week at Grandview Lodge (our return was actually a week ago, but the days following vacation are grueling)! Our trip was great fun, and in true Clark Griswold-style, filled with lots of ups and downs.

Sam and Elliott loved it – between the lake, the pool, the beach, the boat, the playset and the constant swirl of cousins, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, what’s not to love? We’ve been doing this for a few years and Sam gets into it more and more every year – I get a smile on my face just thinking about it, and I can't wait until Elliott can really get in on the action. We fed the ducks every morning, indulged in lollipops, looked for pirates on the lake and ventured out for a very short, nail-biting canoe ride. And it didn't stop there! We hit the pool about 10 times, celebrated Charlotte's first birthday and went on a wildly popular scavenger hunt. Really fun and so great to truly unplug for an entire 7 days (I didn’t turn my computer on once and Steve owes me $10 for it!)

On the flipside, Sam battled a heat rash for the first few days and Elliott ended the week with a couple of sleepless nights and an ear infection. We also returned home to find that a garage cabinet had fallen and dented the hood of our new car. Not really the homecoming you dream of, but I figure it wouldn’t be a true family vacation without a few hiccups.

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