Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sam My Man

I’ve been writing a lot about Elliott, but Sam deserves a moment in the sun too. We’re nearing his first day at preschool which has me reflecting on how much of a kid he’s become. I like to say that he’s wonderfully rambunctious! I swear, he’d run everywhere if he could, and recently, he’s started to really let loose in the dance department. He used to clam up a bit, but now he unleashes the dance moves at the first sound of music – and there are some interesting ones. Fist pumps, kicks and lots of jumping. You can’t help but join him when he gets going.

Sam has this tiny sing-song voice and if I could bottle it for later, I would. He’s very verbal and some of the things that come out of his month leave me astounded (in a good way). Funny things come out of every kid’s mouth, and I understand why parents sit around rehashing everything their kids do. It’s hilarious, and Sam matches his words with priceless expressions which makes him all the more entertaining. He’s assured us that football players have elbows, pointed out that the baby orangutans look just like Elliott and declared that he has “a lot if important work to do on the computer.” The “whys” have also begun in earnest and I find myself talking about things I stopped noticing eons ago (why do trucks have mud flaps? Why do we need a sewer?)

He’s just this amazing little guy – very lovable. He pulls hugs “out of his pocket” and gives “magic kisses.” The joy he gets from eating a bowl of ice cream or a lollipop is enviable, and seeing him hold Elliott’s hand on a recent stroller ride is one of my all-time favorite mom moments.

So I’m obviously a proud mama, but it’d be totally misleading if I didn’t say he’s also stubborn as hell and has a knack for whining, but I think he probably gets both from me, so I can’t really blame him. His procrastination skills are second to none and he can throw a mean tantrum. But if he wasn’t difficult at least part of the time, I’d probably smother him to death with my kisses.

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