Monday, June 22, 2009


We had a great weekend. If I could, I’d bottle it up and put it on a shelf so I could pull it out and savor it again years from now. It was THAT good.

Sam’s nanny had a vacation day on Friday, so I scheduled a day off and spent the whole day playing with Sam. It was rainy and awful outside, but we still found plenty to do and I was secretly a little sad to see the day come to an end. Saturday was even better than Friday – the sun came out and the temps soared and after music class, we spent most of the day outdoors. There was a little block party at the corner bar and we caught a three-piece band that had Sam enthralled. Then we came home and broke out the sprinkler for some fun in the sun, and after Sam hit the hay, some friends joined us for dinner on the patio. It was an ideal summer day.

Sunday really took the cake. After waffles, fresh fruit and an early morning trip to the park, we celebrated Steve as the best Dad ever at the Cubs game. You probably wouldn’t believe it, but Sam is truly a Born Cubs Fan. He yells “Cubs” whenever he sees their logo, loves looking at his Cubs books and relishes the moments we let him watch the games on TV. It’s not entirely surprising given Steve’s love of the Cubs, but it’s still super fun to see him become a full-fledged fan.

Sam loved being at Wrigley. We were a little nervous going into it, but Sam was an angel. We checked his stroller at the gate and then he hung on tight to Mom and Dad. He alternated between our laps, waved to our neighbors and clapped for his Cubs. I swear I could’ve sat through 10 more innings just watching him take it all in.

A belated Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there. Hope your celebrations were just as good as ours!
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