Friday, February 5, 2010

Elliott at Two Months

February 3 marked two months for young Sir Elliott and he's still entirely too sweet. He hardly ever cries, and when he does, it's short-lived and simply means he's tired or he'd like some milk. Even at night he just wakes up and lets out a couple of squeals so I know to feed him.

He's getting more and more expressive all the time. There are big grins when he's happy, furrowed brows when he's unsure and wide open eyes when he's surprised. It makes me so anxious to learn more about his little personality.

Right now he's sleeping on our bed beside me, which is pretty much how it goes. He sleeps on and off all day long and occasionally takes a real nap for a couple of hours at a time. Bedtime is between 10 and 11 and he consistently sleeps until 3 or 3:30. Not bad considering his brother didn't do that until he was about 5 months old.

The other thing that's notable about Elliott is his gas. There isn't really a polite way to say it, so I'll just put it out there. He farts. A LOT. And it stinks. A LOT. I woke up to it this morning at 6:30, and if I wasn't still sleeping in the nursery, I would've sworn I was sitting in one of the dorms at St. John's. The good news? It makes me laugh every time, and I figure he's just breaking me in for a lifetime of raising boys.

Check out the round tummy in these pics! I'm pretty sure he's getting enough to eat! And for the record, I take back my comment about Elliott being a blondie. Now that his hair is starting to grow a little, I'm certain he'll have dark hair.

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